GEMAH Arts and Health Workshop

I painted live at one of GEM's fundraisers through a friend who introduced me to Ange Weinrabe, researcher at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney and founder of GEM Connect. Ange maintained this energetic aura around her, and anything she got excited about had to be done. I liked this energy and I wanted to work with her on raising mental health awareness in Pakistan. Our plan was in motion only two meetings later. Atteqa, who is a trustee at the Karachi Biennale, connected us with the rest of the KB19 team and eventually we brought a team of GEM coaches from Sydney to engage with the Karachi youth.

Artist Abdul Jabbar Gul conducting the Art workshop
The workshop was an emotional 3 days, and an even more intense week (this workshop coincided with Impact, and major KB19 events which I could not miss.

Read more about this workshop:
Karachi Biennale Cataloge (Page 303)
Karachi Biennale Cataloge (Page 303)